The Best Flowers and Plants for Cleaner Air

In the late 80’s, NASA released a series of studies finding that indoor plants could purify the air. People responded by filling their homes with houseplants. Since most of us spend approximately 90 percent of our time indoors, the idea of toxins in the air would naturally make us want to eliminate as much pollution as possible.

These early NASA studies were the foundation for further studies. We now know that in order to wage a plant war on toxins, you would need way more plants than researchers originally imagined. However, even a small number of plants might enhance indoor air quality, so why not take a chance on flowers and plants?

To take on toxins, NASA recommends two or three plants for every 100 feet. Studies show that air quality isn’t the only thing plants will improve. Plants can improve mood, productivity, concentration and memory, prevent coughing and congestion, reduce irritation to eyes, ears and throat and reduce stress.

The Toxins

You might be wondering what these toxins are and how they happen to be in your home. Furniture, synthetic building materials, carpet, cleaning products, rubber, glues, upholstery, paint, pesticides, bacteria, mold and even outdoor pollution can all sit in your home adversely affecting the air quality.

Lack of airflow indoors can lead to all these toxins building up, which can have a negative impact on your health. Toxins indoors can cause serious issues like asthma and sick building syndrome, which is a health concern that consists of people suffering symptoms of illness that is a result of where they live or work. The symptoms associated with sick building syndrome improve and sometimes completely resolve once the people are away from the building.

A World Health Organization Report in 1984 speculated that 30 percent of new and remodeled buildings worldwide may receive complaints about poor indoor air quality.

The Flowers and Plants to Enhance

We have assembled some ideas for adding plants to enhance air quality, even if their abilities are more limited than originally suggested. Flowers and plants also beautify your surroundings, thereby positively influencing mood and ability to focus.

Without further ado, let us introduce a few plants to you!

Peace Lilies

Often given as gifts, NASA discovered that peace lilies were one of the top three plants for removing common household toxins like formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, ammonia and trichloroethylene. Low-maintenance and beautiful to behold, peace lilies are a very common houseplant.

These plants have dark green leaves and gorgeous white flowers. They can thrive in most lighting conditions but do require the soil to be kept moist. They will droop to give you a hint if they need more water. They may not bloom if they fail to get enough light.

They are toxic to pets and children. Peace lilies also put pollen and floral scents in the air, which may bother people who are sensitive to scents. However, for the right households, this plant makes a wonderful housewarming gift or expression of sympathy in times of loss.

English Ivy

English ivy thrives almost anywhere. It can be grown in a hanging basket, making it a great addition to décor. Water it generously during growth but refrain from overwatering in the winter. Different varieties have different light needs.

English ivy is particularly effective at combating mold and airborne fecal particles, which makes it naturally well-suited for bathrooms. It also can combat benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and other harmful toxins.

It is important to note that English ivy is not safe for pets or children. The chemicals in its sap can also cause dermatitis in humans who have sensitive skin.

Barberton Daisies

If you have a room with bright light, why not add a beautiful burst of color with Barberton daisies? Red, yellow, orange or pink are some of the color options for these cheerful flowers. Keep them moist but allow them to drain, so they don’t succumb to root rot.

These adorable flowers will brighten your space and improve air quality by cleansing toxins like formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene. In other good news, they are listed by the ASPCA as non-toxic to dogs and cats.

Spider Plants

For those who may have had bad luck with houseplants in the past, spider plants may be the plants you need. These plants grow quickly and can handle low light and forgetfulness. The best part of these easy-to-care-for plants is that they also produce little ones that you can repot. You can have a whole family of spider plants in no time!

These resilient plants will battle toxins like carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and xylene. These wonderfully hardy plants are also non-toxic to dogs, cats and children, making them a good fit for any home.


Chrysanthemums or “mums” as they are also called, have beautiful blooms and are highly ranked for air purification. They are shown to eliminate ammonia, formaldehyde, benzene, xylene and other common toxins. However, the plant only blooms for about six weeks, and some studies state that their ability to filter the air is greatly decreased when the plant’s flowers are not in bloom.

Despite this potential drawback, the plant has other amazing benefits. The plant’s dried blooms can be made into a mild-flavored tea. The chrysanthemum plant contains a natural insecticide called pyrethrin, and dried blooms can be made into a powder to get rid of pesky insect invaders.

These plants need a cool spot with less than ten hours of sunlight and damp soil that does drain. Despite their bright, friendly appearance, these plants are toxic to dogs, cats and children.

Things to Consider

Although these plants help eliminate toxins from the air, many of them are toxic if ingested. This makes them dangerous for children and pets. We did distinguish which plants were kid and pet-safe because we don’t want anyone’s pets or children to be placed in peril by plants. If in doubt, do your research before introducing a plant to a household with kids and pets.

Plants can also increase humidity in your home, which can lead to the growth of mold. Offset the increase in humidity by covering the top of the soil with aquarium gravel and let water drain into a tray, so the excess can be removed.

Other Ways to Remove Toxins

Plants are not the only way to tackle toxins. Keeping your floors clean, avoiding chemical cleaners or synthetic air fresheners, reducing humidity and increasing ventilation are all ways to improve the air quality in your home.

Keep your floors clean, but avoid using synthetic cleaners, chemical pesticides, air fresheners, self-cleaning ovens or Teflon cookware, as these all put toxic fumes in the air. In fact, fumes from self-cleaning ovens and Teflon have been known to kill pet birds. Like the canaries in coal mines, birds are more sensitive to fumes, but if the fumes can kill a bird, it probably isn’t good for you and your family to breathe either.

Increasing ventilation in your home and reducing humidity are some other good ways to improve the air quality in your home.

Using a good quality air filter is another way to try to combat indoor air pollution. Of course, if you want the best air possible, combine a quality air filter with some of the plants we suggested. For more information, reach out to our florists at Da Kine Flowers & Lei in Orange, CA, to connect you with plant perfection for purifying the air in your lair.

Gifts You can Send Graduates

Graduation is a time of uncertainty for some graduates and a time of excitement and expectation for others. This year, graduation may come with additional challenges for grads, and those challenges may keep them from celebrating in a traditional way.

Some graduations are being temporarily canceled, postponed or done differently utilizing technology. This can make a happy time feel somewhat spoiled. It is important to try to brighten this time for a graduate, especially if he or she is feeling disappointed.

Let a recent grad know you wish him or her well and care even if you can’t be there. We compiled a list, so you can find the perfect gift to give his or her spirit a bit of a lift.

Dorm/Home Décor and More

Whether the recent graduate is going off to college or finished with school completely and moving out to an apartment, regular household items are typical gifts for graduation that are appreciated. Keep in mind the styles the grad likes and think about how he or she dresses for inspiration. Do certain colors or patterns stand out?

You can always go with inexpensive bathroom sets including the shower curtain, towels, rugs, soap dishes and hand soap dispensers. Some sets are already combined or there are mix and match options.

For the kitchen, consider a coffeemaker, some mugs or even a French press for the true coffee aficionados. A new place will also mean a new need for items like pots, pans, dishes, silverware and glasses. Even a spice rack and cookbook can make awesome graduation gifts. There are cookbooks for all different types of cooking, even for college students or those cooking for one.

Even those who aren’t leaving home yet can appreciate a new duvet, desk items, paintings or pictures. Weighted blankets are said to alleviate anxiety, and since recent graduates may be a bit anxious when stepping into the great unknown, a graduation gift to reduce anxiety and improve sleep is an easy way to promote the new graduate’s mental and physical health.

There is a lot of fun associated with having one’s own space and personalizing it, whether it is a bedroom, dorm or new apartment. If you have an idea of what the recent grad likes, even small gifts can bring joy. If you don’t know what he or she might want or need to make the new place feel more like a home, ask.

Flowers and Plants

The easiest and most effective way to bring beauty, life and light to a space is by adding flowers and/or plants. Even if the recent grad has never exhibited a green thumb, having a plant to care for can sometimes ignite a passion for nurturing nature.

Succulents, spider plants and air plants are some easy growing options for graduation gifts. For a meaningful plant that is also easier to care for, there is the Chinese money plant, which will even produce little sprouts that can be planted for even more gorgeous greenery in the home. Another appropriate gift would be the lucky bamboo. It grows in low light in either water or soil and is believed to be both lucky and good feng shui.

If the recent graduate doesn’t seem like a person who enjoys plants, flowers may be more appreciated. Unexpectedly getting fresh flowers is known to boost mood. Sending flowers that coincide with school colors or a bouquet and teddy bear in celebration of graduation is a great way to let a recent grad know how proud you are, even if you can’t be there in person.

If you would like to send something to recognize and celebrate a graduation, let our florists at Da Kine Flowers & Lei in Orange, CA, personalize a gift for the grad.

Sentiments in Print

Chances are, if you are shopping for a good gift for someone for graduation, you have probably been in their shoes. Think back to who you were and what you thought and felt when you were that age. What books resonated with you at that time in your life?

Whether you found meaning in Kurt Vonnegut, J.D. Salinger, Haruki Murakami or a lesser-known novelist who managed to write something that spoke to you, share that piece of who you were with a graduate who is still figuring it out. Write them your thoughts on the story and even on life itself. You can also give them a journal to go with that gift.

If you aren’t sure that your tastes and the taste of the recent graduate will coincide, there are also inspirational books about organization, finances and achieving goals that could inspire a young person to take the road less traveled, which occurs less often than the popularity of the phrase would have the world believe.

For a shorter sentiment, you could always engrave a keepsake item like a watch, jewelry box or piece of jewelry with advice, a memory you share or an inspirational quote.

Commencement Speeches to Give and Keep

Commencement speeches by certain individuals are so moving that they are made into books. That is the case with David Foster Wallace’s commencement address given in 2005 at Kenyon College. The unbelievable speech is so profound and inspirational that it has been commented on endlessly in articles and blogs. The book version is called, “This is Water: Some Thoughts, Delivered on a Significant Occasion, about Living a Compassionate Life.”

Another amazing commencement speech that is available as a book you can give is by an author many in the age group graduating will recognize and appreciate. JK Rowling’s commencement speech at Harvard was an honest and emotional treasure that used her personal experiences to illustrate that failure isn’t an end. It is part of a process, and imagination can save us. The book is called, “Very Good Lives.”

If you don’t want to limit it to one author, there are also books that compile some of the best and most popular commencement speeches ever given.

Tech Gifts

Tech gifts can be difficult to keep up with as technology is constantly evolving. Depending on who the graduate is to you and your budget, gifts like cell phones and laptops probably aren’t appropriate. However, that doesn’t have to eliminate tech.

Some portable speakers can be used with cell phones to play tunes and keep them and their friends dancing during study breaks. There are also projectors that can be used with cell phones.

Depending on whether your graduate is out of college or high school and what he or she is into, there are monthly subscriptions to programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and others that may be helpful for a recent grad. When it comes to tech, you can either ask the graduate, a relative or friend for advice.


Money can’t buy happiness, but it is a common gift for graduation. You can’t go wrong giving money because you are essentially giving the graduate the opportunity to pick out his or her own gift. When it comes to money, several variables that determine what amount is appropriate.

Stay within your budget, yet the amount should also reflect the relationship that you share with the graduate. You are not expected to give an extravagant amount to a graduate you barely know. Usually, $20 to $100 is a typical gift for graduation. The gift can be larger for people who are closer to the graduate but not if it strains your budget.

No matter what gift you give, a recent graduate could use the support of friends and family. If you know the recent graduate well, be there for him or her and make sure you communicate that you are always willing to listen.

Remember the confusion of that time, appreciate where you are in life and help those who are still trying to find their path. To quote David Foster Wallace’s famous commencement speech, “It is unimaginably hard to do this, to stay conscious and alive in the adult world day in and day out. Which means yet another cliché turns out to be true: your education really is the job of a lifetime. And it commences: now.”

Like Wallace, wish a recent graduate more than luck and be there to offer support and advice for someone when he or she is still figuring things out. Times may change, but the importance of giving stays the same.

Gender Reveal ideas for 2020

When it comes to what to expect when you are expecting, finding out the gender is a thrilling experience. Is it a boy or a girl? Everyone will be guessing the gender of your little blessing.

It makes sense that revealing the gender is a great excuse to get everyone together. As gender reveal parties get more and more elaborate, finding a creative gender reveal takes a bit more thought and planning.

We put together some of the most buzzed-about ideas for a gender reveal you just might want to steal. All these ideas are easily personalized to fit your style.

A Scratch-Off Game

If gender was a cosmic lottery, the reveal would be obscured by a scratch-off waiting for a coin. If you and your nearest and dearest companions enjoy a good scratch-off or the game of chance, reveal the gender of your bundle of joy with scratch-off tickets.

The nice thing about this idea is you can do the scratch-offs with the group at your gender reveal party and mail tickets to your loved ones who can’t be there in person. These cards are inexpensive and available at multiple online stores. If a party isn’t your thing, the scratch-off can also be an interesting way to do a gender reveal social media post.

If you do decide to make it a party, make it a casino theme and include other games. However, make sure there are some nonalcoholic drinks for the mom-to-be.

Truth for the Sweet Tooth

Sweets have been a part of gender reveal parties long before Instagram or Pinterest even existed. If you want to do a simple cake, there are recipes online for cute gender reveal cakes that reveal the gender by the color of the batter or frosting hidden within.

If you want to take that a step further, there are pinata cakes that release pink or blue candies when cut for the reveal that will make everyone squeal.

There are other sweet treat options like colorful cake pops, fortune cookies and surprise cookies that use color to reveal the gender of the baby. You can surprise everyone by asking your doctor to put the gender of your baby in an envelope. Take that envelope to a baker and let them do the rest!

Fantasy Reveals

For some, fantasy is life and vice versa. If you have a favorite show or film, why not incorporate it into a gender reveal party?

If you are a Harry Potter fan, there are endless opportunities for a magical gender reveal. Will the baby be a wizard or witch? There are pink and blue gender reveal smoke bombs that can be used as part of a “magic” trick.

Grab a wand and say the spell. Let the smoke from the smoke bomb or a pink or blue powder cannon tell you the baby’s gender. There are plenty of cauldrons, candles and other accessories from Halloween that can work with your Harry Potter party reveal.

Another idea for the Harry Potter-themed gender reveal is to let the sorting hat be part of the reveal. Get guests in on the fun by letting them cast their votes into a goblet of fire (no real fire, of course) and let the invitation encourage them to show up dressed as whatever character/house they desire.

Game of Thrones fans will be glad to know that there are gender reveal dragon eggs. The great part about these eggs is that they are heat activated and can be used again. The party will be unforgettable, and the egg will make a great keepsake.

Another fun science fiction inspired idea is to have the parents wield LED lightsabers in pink and blue to fight it out. The winner reveals the gender. Of course, everyone wins in the end. Let the force of nature and your geek light shine with this fun gender reveal.


Be a good sport and incorporate sports into your gender reveal. Almost any sport you can think of now has a corresponding gender reveal ball. Choose your sport with personalized baseballs, footballs, soccer balls, basketballs and even golf balls. Watch them explode with pink or blue powder for the win!

A sports-themed party makes decorating easy, and you could even play a blue team versus pink team game. The winner gets to reveal the gender. Don’t use the personalized sports ball until it is time for the reveal, or it will be a very short game.

Cannons, Paint and Flares

We don’t know why guys (and some women) love explosions so much, but there are all kinds of ways to reveal a baby’s gender with a bang.

One of the fun ways to do a memorable gender reveal is with a gender reveal burnout. A black bag filled with either blue or pink powder attaches to your tire. Once you start your engine and get moving, an amazing cloud of smoke becomes a reveal with a tire squeal.

There are also confetti and smoke cannons to make any gender reveal a blast. Colored smoke flares won’t send any mixed signals, and for a longer reveal, try a gender reveal that involves paint.

Paintball guns are a natural choice for people who already enjoy that activity. You can also fill balloons with paint, hang them in rows and pop them with darts to reveal which color fills the most balloons. Tempera and poster paint are good choices for the balloon paint reveal.

Have some squirt gun fun by wearing white and filling squirt guns with pink or blue liquid. You can either just have squirt guns for the parents or let everyone in on the fun. We highly recommend hosting this gender reveal outdoors.

Flower Reveal

An unusual idea for a gender reveal involve florals. The color of the arrangement will reveal the gender of your baby. Designate someone special to you to bring the arrangement to the party once everyone is gathered and waiting or coordinate with your local florist for the delivery.

Make sure you decide on this type of reveal in advance to make sure there are adequate flowers in the corresponding color. This can be done in the same way you work with a baker with cake reveals. Handoff the envelope that is sealed with the results and the rest is taken care of for you.

Whether you want flowers to reveal the gender or to decorate for the party, our florists at Da Kine Flowers & Lei in Orange, CA, would be glad to create the perfect bouquet to coincide with the special day.

Dream Teams

People love being part of the celebration. Encourage people to feel more involved in the gender reveal by choosing a side. They can wear pink if they think your baby is a girl and blue if they feel it is a boy. You could also conduct a vote on the day of the reveal. It is a simple and fun way of involving everyone.

Of course, in a gender reveal, every team wins because there will soon be an adorable baby boy or girl for everyone to love!

Gifts for Untraditional Moms for Mother’s Day

Moms come in all forms. They are all unique to each family, as they fill many roles in a person’s day-to-day life. They are a safety net for many and deserve so much recognition. Whether you are a child looking to celebrate your foster mom, adopted mother or any other “untraditional” mother in your life, these gifts are exactly what you should be looking for this Mother’s Day.

For the Foster Mom

A foster mother is a unique type of mother. She has to be selfless as she cares for a child in need. Although they are not her biological children, foster mothers care for their foster children as if they were. Foster mothers have to be strong and more selfless than many may realize.

Being a foster mom isn’t about taking in a child and letting them go, it is about being willing to give all your love to a child who may not be getting it from anywhere else, and with every foster family, there is a unique set of circumstances.

Foster moms treasure pictures, so any gift that resources pictures is bound to be well-loved among foster moms. Foster parenting can be especially challenging for the fear of being detached. The job of a foster parent is to love and care for the children who are not yours, as if they were yours, knowing they could be taken away from you at any time. It is emotionally draining.

With this dedication, love and selflessness in mind, consider a Mother’s Day gift that expresses your gratitude and recognizes the commitment of foster mothers this Mother’s Day. Etsy offers some great suggestions for gifts any foster mother will love.

For the Adoptive Mom

Why adopt? It is something many never understand, but adopting is a life choice that is only made by a select group of caring individuals. You need to have a heart for it. It may not be for everyone, but it is so important to appreciate the people who have embraced this commitment.

Adoption is an opportunity to gain a new purpose in your life while investing in the stability, love and nurturing of a different one. The decision you made wasn’t just to adopt. The decision was to deal with the agony of waiting, the financial means of the process and the time that separates you from hearing of, seeing and holding your baby for the first time.

Just because you adopt a child, it doesn’t make you any less of a parent or mother. Mother’s Day is the perfect time to express that. Mother’s Day gifts for adoptive mothers don’t vary from the traditional “birth mother” Mother’s Day gifts. However, if your mother and your family embrace the beauty of adoption, there are gift options made for moms like yours.

Amazon has a full list of thoughtful gifts for adoptive parents . Of all the people in the world, your lives were chosen to be connected for the long haul. That’s special and worth celebrating.

For the Mom Who Chose You

Not all moms can fit into a specific box. There are women across the world who may have never given birth and some who were quite literally given the responsibility of motherhood. Some may have never even considered having children, or perhaps, they may have never thought they would be able to. All of which are still mothers.

Motherhood isn’t about checked boxes. The process of motherhood isn’t always black and white. Motherhood is about choosing your child’s well-being every day. It is about sacrificing time, sleep and sometimes sanity to ensure your child has everything they need. It is about investing your life to the betterment of theirs and a forever commitment to love, hold and cherish them till your last breath.

There are plenty of moms out there that chose the title in untraditional ways. It could be a grandmother raising her grandchild, a sister raising her siblings, an aunt raising her nieces, a stepmother who stepped up to love her stepchildren as her own or a father juggling the roles of both parents.

Due to the stories of each of these moms (and they are moms. There is no need for debate.), the gifts you may choose for them on Mother’s Day will probably vary. However, any of these specific mom groups are bound to be very appreciative and touched by whatever Mother’s Day gift you choose to give them.

We choose to recognize all mothers this Mother’s Day because they so lovingly choose their children, every day. These gift ideas for the mom who chose you is an older resource, but it is just as relevant of a gift list for any of these moms. These gifts are bound to make the mom that chose you feel special.

There are some very unique and not so traditional moms in the world. The world’s oldest woman to give birth was Rosanna Dalla Corte. She gave birth to her son at the age of 63 in Italy in 1994. Also, in Italy, super mom Signora Carmelina Fedele gave birth to the world’s largest newborn in 1955. He weighed in at 22 pounds and 8 ounces!

For the moms who understand the struggle of an overbooked schedule that never slows down, you have to have major respect for Mrs. Vassilyev of Russia. She birthed 69 children between the years 1725 and 1765- 69 children!

All these facts reiterate how resilient mothers are, and how every mom has a unique story that deserves to be celebrated. Let’s face it! What even is a traditional mother?

Moms are unique. What makes your mom unique helped mold you into the person you are. Your story may not be perfect, but it’s yours.

No matter who your mom is and where she falls under the umbrella of motherhood, our florists at Da Kine Flowers & Lei in Orange, CA, are here to help Mother’s Day gifting go off without a hitch with personalized gifts to make mom feel special any time of the year. We’ll deliver these beautiful flower arrangements to mom the same day and straight to her door.

Leave no mom left unappreciated this Mother’s Day. We have extra special gift options for the mom (s) that mean so much to you!

2020 Prom Trends

It’s a new year with a new set of prom trends. Whether it is your first prom or your last, it is best to take on the night in style. If you are still deciding on what to wear to prom, these 2020 prom trends are here to help.

2020 Prom Dress Trends: Dressing for You

Choosing how to dress for prom can feel like an immense amount of pressure, but it doesn’t need to be stressful. It should be fun and an opportunity to dress your finest. Dressing for prom should always come back to dressing for you and what makes you feel your best.

However, if you are looking for design inspiration, 2020 prom trends offer an array of opportunities to embrace your unique style while remaining on-trend. Here are just a few of your options.

If you are all about style and comfort, 2020 is giving you exactly the prom trend you are looking for. Ladies, many times, this style even involves pockets! It’s not just prom season; it’s jumpsuit season.


That’s right! This beloved pants/dress combo has made its grand entrance into 2020 prom trends. These Top 5 Unique Prom Jumpsuits 2020 are of great inspiration because they incorporate not just one but several 2020 trends!

Metallic Colors & Sequins

It’s about going big or going home. Proms in 2020 is all about sparkle and pizzazz, the flashier, the better. Metallic and sequin prom dresses make just the statement you want on such a big night.

This One Shoulder Long Sleeve Prom Dress combines several 2020 prom trends. It’s one-shouldered, bold in color and has a base sequin style. Wear something like this, and you will have all eyes on you at prom.

Patterns and Cropped Styles

Two additional 2020 prom trends include animal print and cropped two-piece styles. This Two Piece Halter Prom Dress by Sherri Hill incorporates both these trends.

Stun your guests with a bold animal print for a roaring entrance, as they make a powerful statement. This, along with these other 2020 prom trends, proves that 2020 is the year to show up and show out in style.

It is all about showcasing you and what makes you feel the most comfortable, confident and beautiful. If any of these styles don’t fit into your school’s prom dress code, you can incorporate these trends in whatever way you choose.

For the prom-goers who are more interested in short prom dresses, consider choosing fun and bold shoes. It will give you the chance to embrace your style in a fun and spunky way.

If you are dead set on a classic prom, you can never go wrong with a red prom dress to showcase your bold personality. Pair it with some leopard print shoes to stay sophisticated and trendy!

You’ll thank us later.

Trending Prom Hairstyles

Say I do to your prom hairdo with these 2020 prom hairstyles!

It’s hairy business, finding the right prom hairstyle that fits your dress and your style. There are so many factors to consider. What color is your hair? How long is it? How will the cut affect your desired style?

All these factors come into play when considering these trending prom hairstyles. Curls are always going to be in for those elegant events, especially for proms. Tight ringlets, loose waves and enchanting curls all add a different touch to a prom hairstyle.

Among all these curly prom dos, there are some very prominent trends, seen consistently throughout styles. Braids being among the most evident.

Prom Hairstyles with Braids

Whether it is a long, down do with a French braid or a loose updo with a chain braid , braids are very much in with the 2020 prom hairstyle trends.

Additionally, waterfall braids are all the rage. They are beautifully incorporated into updos, but they have an even more enchanting effect on a down, curly hairstyle.

If you need some more convincing when it comes to your prom hairstyle, PROMGIRL gives some in-depth hairstyle tips for any head of hair for prom.

2020 Prom Flower Options

It’s a journey. High school is the end of one path onto a much larger one. While the complications differ, the journey can be treacherous.

With that in mind, prom is one opportunity in a young person’s life that allows them to step away from the day-to-day and into a rather euphoric night. It’s a step away from reality, and it allows any young person to feel their best.

Prom flowers are a traditional accessory to give a date for prom. They are found and incorporated in a variety of different ways. There are the more traditional prom flower wearables, such as the corsage and the boutonniere, and the more advanced and stylistic prom flower wearables, such as the flower crown, flower bow tie and other floral accessories that are worn as jewelry.

Individuality comes just as much into play when it comes to prom flowers as it does any other prom outfit choice.

Among the most popular prom flower choices for 2020 are reflections of these already prominent prom styles. In vibrant colors, all green designs, moody tones and polished looks, there is the inspiration for your prom flower looks.

Corsages and boutonnieres in 2020 are examples of the previously mentioned 2020 prom trends. Although the trends on prom wearables may change, the traditional approach to prom flowers remains steady. Our team of florists at Da Kine Flowers & Lei in Orange, CA, are here to help create just the flower bouquet for your prom date.

While the corsage and boutonniere are important to have in hand when you meet up with your prom date, go the extra step and bring them something extra special It will be something that they didn’t expect. We can coordinate your corsage and boutonniere with your date’s flower arrangement to ensure every prom accessory is a budding success and is trend forward in every way.

If you take nothing else out of prom night, be 100% authentically you. It’s your night. Embrace it.

Easter Baskets for Teenagers

Parents, it’s time to spring into action. We all know the Easter bunny brings treats to the kiddos around the world, but when it comes to our older children, some say they are best left out of the juvenile Easter traditions.

Yes, Easter is around the corner. Remember, it is no bunny’s business whether your family does Easter baskets for your teenagers or not, but if you do, boy do we have the teenage Easter basket inspiration for you.

It’s a one-sided conversation for many. What is it that you should buy your teenager for Easter? There are many people in the world who think Easter baskets are not for teenagers and young adolescents. While many are opposed, that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying the fun that comes with choosing Easter gifts for your teens.

What are the best gifts for teenagers for Easter? Compiling treats for Easter baskets for teens can be a fun and creative experience. With teenage years coming and going swiftly and ups and downs coming so abruptly, it is best to celebrate our teens whenever we can.

An Easter Basket that is “Funny and Useful”

If you are a little salty about giving your teenager an Easter gift basket because you think they are too grown, avoid the sweets and have fun with the schemes. You’ll find it funny. They may not, but hey, they still get an Easter basket that they so persistently requested.

Play dirty with a cleaning supply Easter basket. You’ll need a laundry basket for the base. What goes inside is completely up to you. If you feel this approach is a little too harsh, consider having a secondary Easter basket on hand as a sweet incentive.

When their room is clean and their chores are done, their Easter basket of goodies will be waiting on them. It puts the ball in their court. It is an Easter basket hunt. Once they make it to the end of their to-do list, they’ll find the Easter basket they desired on the other side.

An Easter Basket That Collects “All Their Favorite Things”

Creating your teen’s Easter basket can be a lot of fun too. Start from the basis of who your teen is and what they enjoy the most.

If your teenager loves makeup, use that as a source for inspiration. You know you’ll have to buy your teen more makeup soon anyway. Collect some of the essentials and assort them into a cute makeup carrying case. Throw in a couple of new items or a gift card if you are feeling extra generous.

The same applies to the sports-loving children of the world. If your teen needs a new baseball helmet, you can knock Easter out of the park. Make the helmet the base of a basket and add in some sunflower seeds, batting gloves, gum and some other must-haves to complete this homerun Easter look.

For the teens prepping for college, their ideal Easter basket is thrown together with ease. Collect some of their favorite junk foods, a few gift cards for groceries, for lunch and some comforting keepsakes for their dorm. A warm blanket, lotion, new socks and other simple tokens are bound to win them over and start gathering college supplies in the process.

An Easter Basket That Will Have Others “Green with Envy”

Among the most popular trends of the 21st century is the desire to go green. This trend has carried on through people’s clothing choices, daily habits, dietary decisions and overall resourcefulness.

This trend is particularly popular among our younger generations. Teens today are growing attached to this movement. With that in mind, you’ll find an Easter basket idea for your teen that is both good for the earth and will have others green with envy.

Your teen may have a green thumb or may just appreciate the ambiance plants and other florals bring. Either way, an Easter basket for the teen with a green theme is ideal. Among the more preferred gestures is receiving plants as gifts. Additionally, succulent gifts are among the most popular choice for natural décor in homes today. They are beautiful and trend-forward.

Your teen’s “green” Easter basket can consist of gardening tools and other useful essentials for remaining green. This is especially appropriate for the teen who appreciates the beauty in nature and all the benefits that come with caring for plants.

Our florists at Da Kine Flowers & Lei in Orange, CA, are here to help with any floral or plant needs you may have this Easter. Easter gifts can be as diverse as the teens in our lives. That is why Easter flowers are always a beautiful option. Deciding what to get a teenager for Easter doesn’t have to be hard. Easter flowers can be personalized to fit your teen and everything they like. Let us help you create a beautiful gift for your teenager this Easter.

There is something special about sharing natural beauty with others. Easter flower delivery just makes it easier. Giving a green Easter basket to your teen will not only share the beauty that is life, but it will help instill responsibility and direction into their daily habits. It is a life lesson and an Easter gift wrapped into one. Anything worth having is worth taking care of, right?

With all these Easter baskets for teens in mind, you can customize them to fit who your teen is and what they like. It is always fun to add in some Easter eggs and chocolate bunnies for a festive touch. Whatever you decide, Easter baskets for teens are a must.

Easter Gifts You Can Send

Easter is a meaningful holiday, but not everyone can be present for it. It can be difficult to feel like you are a part of Easter celebrations with loved ones when you live too far away. However, that doesn’t mean the holiday needs to go by unobserved.

Easter is a holiday full of significance and symbolism for those who observe it. If you can’t be there for Easter, you can still send a little something to let them know you are thinking of them on this very special holiday. If you are uncertain of what gift to pick, we have a list of gifts that will get to them quick, and they are Easter Bunny approved!


From those who are still learning first words and what sounds accompany letters to those with fading sight necessitating thick glasses and large print, books can bring a new perspective and a glimpse of a different reality. The right story at the right time can bring light, hope and understanding.

There is no shortage of wonderful books on any topic, both online and in the store. Easter is no exception. Despite how important books are, they remain an inexpensive gift, but then again, you can’t put a price tag on learning.

For a new baby, board books are a great introduction to reading and stories. There is a delightful board book with beautiful illustrations designed for babies called, “My First Easter.” This is a very durable book explaining the traditions of family and sharing for Easter.

Another cute board book for little ones is called, “Easter” by Roger Priddy and is a Slide and Find Series book. There are 16 fun, interactive doors to open, Behind each door are Easter-related things like chicks, eggs and of course, bunnies.

For children over four years of age for whom religious stories are acceptable gifts, there is a book called, “The Easter Storybook: 40 Bible Stories Showing Who Jesus Is.”

This book brings Jesus into focus and tells the overall arching story of his entire life, making him more real and relatable. When you bring Jesus to life for children, Easter inevitably becomes more meaningful.

For a fun classic, The Berenstain Bears series by Mike Berenstain have several cute, illustrated books about Easter.

Another great book for religious households that is written in a way the whole family can enjoy is “The World Jesus Knew: A Curious Kid’s Guide to Life in the First Century.”

This book brings the world of Jesus to life through charts, maps, graphs, info on the culture of the time, occupations, religion and more. With beautiful illustrations, this book can bring the stories of Jesus to life for kids and adults.

For spiritual stories adults and children can read together on Easter, consider a book like “Easter Stories: Classic Tales for the Holy Season.” This book includes a collection of classic and spiritual short stories that capture the meaning of Easter by famous authors like C.S. Lewis, Leo Tolstoy and Oscar Wilde to name a few.

For a woman who enjoys religious stories with intriguing female characters, look no further than “The Women of Easter: Encounter the Savior with Mary of Bethany, Mary of Nazareth, and Mary Magdalene.”

Any woman or even man who appreciates the stories about the life of Jesus will enjoy these coinciding stories about the women who were important in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.


When it comes to gifts for children, you can’t go wrong with toys. There are many cute and inexpensive options when it comes to toys with an Easter theme.

A classic and adorable plush toy can make a cherished gift that will be hugged long after Easter. There are Peter Rabbit plush toys in the recognizable little blue coat and the Velveteen Rabbit among other adorable stuffed bunnies with options for all age groups.

Plush ducks and lambs are also options if you fear the bunny may too closely relate to a gift someone else might be giving.

When it comes to Easter gifts for teenagers, plush animals can still be an option if you know what might spark interest. There are weird collectible plush toys called, “Fuglers” that have creepy teeth and funny bodies. There is a Rabid Rabbit one that will likely bring a smile to teenagers who mistakenly assume stuffed animals can’t be cool.

For teenagers who love animals and care about the environment, consider a plush toy that coincides with the symbolic donation in their name for an endangered species.

For smaller toys, Calico Critters make a cute rabbit family and have an abundance of accessories. Also, there are many options for little plastic eggs filled with fun toys like dinosaurs, trucks and animal finger puppets.

Hide and Squeak Eggs are a fun, educational gift for toddlers. Many young children are reluctant to take a bath, so getting them cute bath toys or even Easter soaps in fun shapes might be appreciated by both the child and parent.

Creative Crafts and Family Fun

LEGO has a holiday Easter Egg Hunt Building Kit that the whole family can enjoy together. An Easter egg or Easter bunny puzzle is another way for the family to spend a relaxing time together.

For games this Easter, there is an Easter Bingo game and an Easter edition deck of cards for the family to have a good time playing classic games like Go Fish, Old Maid and Slap Jack.

For little ones, there are many options for toys with matching eggs to teach color recognition. There are also Easter-themed bath toys for the little ones.

There are craft kits for making Easter Bunny headbands and masks. Pin the Tail on the Easter Bunny game can be fun for the whole family, and a Dig a Dozen Dino Eggs kit is a fun activity for fostering an appreciation for science as they excavate fossilized eggs of dinosaurs.

Other craft kits include egg-decorating, sand art and beading. To get the family active and outdoors, there is an Egg and Spoon Race game that will offer fun and activity long after Easter.

Any of these Easter gift options are a great way to encourage the family to spend time together, having a good time and enjoying each other.

Flowers for Easter

Living away, it can be difficult to know what Easter gift to buy. If you have waited until right before the holiday, you might have the additional concern of the gift not being delivered until after Easter has passed.

For a lovely last-minute Easter gift, flowers are a reminder of the fragile beauty of life, and they are a beloved representation of spring. Flowers in pastel colors or bright, fun colors are a perfect spring gift. Many people love receiving tulips and daisies, as they are a symbol of spring.

For a meaningful Easter bloom, white lilies are the traditional Easter flower. They represent love, hope and resurrection. Whichever flower you choose, you can feel confident knowing that receiving flowers makes people feel happy and loved.

If you would like to send someone you love some flowers this Easter, our florists at Da Kine Flowers & Lei in Orange, CA, would be glad to create a beautiful Easter bouquet for your loved ones.

These gifts are all inexpensive and can be combined with flowers. The best part is that some of these gifts will encourage families to spend time together to delve into what Easter means. Whether you are thinking of a small child, a teenager, an adult or all the above this Easter, being thoughtful and sending a little something to make someone happy aligns with the spirit of the holiday.

February Facts: Things You May Not Know

February is often associated with Valentine’s Day, but there are also plenty of facts about February that you may not know. Facts you may be very interested in. February has its own birthstone, sign and so much more.

Fun Facts about February’s History

There is so much more to the month of February than Valentine’s Day celebrations.

February is the shortest month on the calendar, with just 28 days. Every four years, each leap year, February gains a day, going from 28 to 29 days.

As of 2001, February is also known for being the month of the Super Bowl. It is held on the first Sunday of February (I.e. Super Bowl Sunday). If you aren’t much of a sport’s fan but your significant other is, be patient, for the romance is near. Give your sport’s loving partner the first weekend of the month, and you’ll get to binge on rom coms on the second.

February is also “National Junk Food Month.” Binge on all the yummy snack food without all the guilt. What is Super Bowl Sunday without chips, dip and chicken wings? An additionally acceptable binge involves eating all those Valentine’s Day treats.

Among February’s more flashier facts are the sparkles that coincide with the month.

February’s Birthstone

February’s birthstone is the Amethyst. This purple gem has an intriguing and captivating look. However, the beauty of these gems goes deeper than its overall appearance. It is a symbol of deep love, happiness, sincerity, wealth and humility.

Once admired as the “Jewel of the Gods,” Amethysts are traditionally worn by Bishops/ Farmers. Understandably so, as Amethysts are believed to protect crops against hailstones and locusts.

This elegant gem is the official gemstone of Ontario and the official gem of Wednesday, Jupiter and people born with the sign of Pisces. Speaking of…

February Babies, Here’s Your Sign.

If you are born in February, your sign is either the Aquarius or the Pisces. These signs have similar characteristics but overall different personalities. Ironically enough, the two signs are often very compatible, romantically. Before we dive deep into what attracts the two signs, let’s learn more about them as individuals.

Anyone born between the 1st and the 18th of February fall under the Aquarius sign. This sign differs from many because it categorizes people on both ends of the spectrum. Some Aquarians are introverted and of quiet nature, while others are energetic and eccentric. They are a very progressive sign.

Aquarians pride themselves on honesty and intellect. Due to their strong intellect, Aquarians are prone to think outside of the box and work hard to find solutions to issues. They are free thinkers and are very independent. They do things their own way and are very openminded. They are prone to question theories and are always looking to learn something new.

February babies born between the 19th and the 28th fall under the Pisces sign. Pisces thrive on elevating others and their talents instead of focusing on people’s flaws. They are a more positive group. They like to keep things real and authentic, working hard to get to know a person’s personality before coming to any conclusion about them. They are among the least superficial signs.

It’s what is on the inside that counts. Pisces’ friendships often consist of sincere, quality people, as they are drawn to what is in a person’s heart. They are very emotional people, who always seek a deeper connection to the people they care about. Their highly vibrant personalities and low maintenance nature make them easy people to get along with.

The Aquarius and Pisces signs have many distinct differences. One is very strong-willed, while the other has a more sensitive soul. While their characteristics may vary, they often find common ground intellectually. If you and your partner share February as your birth month but have differing signs, don’t worry. You may just be a perfect fit for each other.

The Aquarius and Pisces signs differ, but they have a common middle ground that breeds very healthy relationships. Your differences may even help the two of you find peace in the other.

February’s Birth Flower

February babies, violet may not be your color, but it is your birth flower.

Violets are a bright purple flower, found in 500-600 species. These bold beauties can also be found in blues, whites, creams and even in multicolor blooms.

Violets are the state flower of Rhode Island, Illinois and New Jersey. They are asymmetric. They consist of five heart-shaped petals. This makes them even more ideal to represent the month that houses Valentine’s Day.

One interesting fact about violets is that they contain both the male and female floral reproductive organs. This allows some species of flowers to self-pollinate, while others still need insects to pollinate.

They look so good you could eat them, literally. Violets are used in a variety of savory dishes. They are of great use when it comes to making sweet garnishes. Funny enough, they are nutritious too. They are loaded with Vitamin C. They have even more than most vegetables. Vitamin C is good for the immune system and a person’s overall health.

Additionally, the violet flower has a beautiful fragrance that is envied by many. It is often used in perfumes, lotions and oils. All ideal gifts to give for Valentine’s Day.

If you are interested in taking some violets home or sending some to a person you love, talk with our florists at Da Kine Flowers & Lei in Orange, CA, . We even offer same-day delivery. Share the love and the beauty of violets for someone’s February birthday. It is a fun and meaningful gift that any February baby is bound to appreciate.